Teaching with Challenging Tasks and learning through problem solving

Some articles focussed on the pedagogy of teaching with challenging tasks are outlined below:

Preliminary experiences and spotlighting: Two pedagogical moves for enhancing teaching mathematics through structured inquiry

Spotlighting: Helping to scaffold the 'explore phase' when teaching with challenging tasks

Refining how to teach with challenging tasks: The role of preliminary experiences

An instructional model to support planning and teaching student centred structured inquiry lessons

Designing and scaffolding rich mathematical learning experiences with challenging tasks

Below are links to some Challenging Tasks and problem solving investigations, predominantly in number and algebra. These challenging tasks can be used as stand-alone problem solving activities, or taught in conjunction with the SURF framework.

Task Name: Basketball

Links to SURF: Various

Task Name: Cakes and Marbles

Links to SURF: Equals sign = (Reading); Equivalence (Understanding)

Task Name: The Trouble with Mum and Dad

Links to SURF: Various

Task Name: Mr Happy

Links to SURF: Exponential Growth (Understanding)

Task Name: Chickens and Cows

Links to SURF: Various

Task Name: Our epic Monopoly game

Links to SURF: Place Value (Understanding)

Task Name: The Lollipop Tree

Links to SURF: Triangular Numbers (Understanding)

Task Name: Gold coin problem

Links to SURF: Prime and Composite Numbers; Factors (Understanding);

Task Name: Peace at last and Five minutes peace

Links to SURF: Various

Task Name: Stained Glass Window Investigation

Links to SURF: Various.

Task Name: Cars in a garage; Matchsticks triangles

Links to SURF: Various.

Task Name: Superheroes

Links to SURF: Various.

Task Name: Shrek

Links to SURF: Various.

Task Name: We're Going on a Bear Hunt

Links to SURF: Various.

Task Name: Pop-It Problem Solving

Links to SURF: Various.

Task Name: Fairy Tales

Links to SURF: Various.

Task Name: Paper Folding Task, Fish Out of Water Investigation, Donuts and Cupcakes, Pocket Money Problem

Links to SURF: Exponential growth (Understanding).

Task Name: The Treehouse Series

Links to SURF: Proportional reasoning (Understanding), Estimating (Understanding), Decimals (Understanding), Multiplication (Understanding).

Task Name: The Old Couple

Links to SURF: Count Up (Strategies), Count Back (Strategies), Hop up (Strategies), Hop Back (Strategies), Compensate (Strategies)

Task Name: The Twits

Links to SURF: Proportional reasoning (Understanding), Estimating (Understanding), Decimals (Understanding), Multiplication (Understanding).

Task Name: Using movies to learn mathematics: Coin Operated, Up, Aladdin

Links to SURF: Proportional reasoning (Understanding), Estimating (Understanding), Place Value (Understanding)

Task Name: Vector and the shrink ray (here is a link to the relevant clip from the film Despicable Me)

Links to SURF: Proportional reasoning (Understanding).

Task Name: Lucky Dice and Lucky Dice Again

Links to SURF: Factors and Multiples (Understanding), Various skip-counting patterns (Fast Facts)/ Multiplicative Patterns/ Repeated Doubling (Understanding), Doubles (Fast Facts).

Task Name: Challenging tasks with Oliver Jeffers

Links to SURF: Various

Task Name: Extending the hundreds chart

Links to SURF: Negative numbers (understanding)

Task Name: Time elapsed task

Links to SURF: Hop Up (difference method for subtraction) (Strategies)

Task Name: My first day of school… on Jupiter!

Links to SURF: Place Value (Understanding)

Task Name: Mini Earth

Links to SURF: Various

Task Name: Esio Trot

Links to SURF: Focuses on various number patterns

Task Name: The Big Banana

Links to SURF: Various

Task Name: Delicious Donuts and Summer Time is Fly Time

Links to SURF: Conceptual Subitising (Fast Facts); Additional links to Skip-Counting, Multiplication and Addition Strategies.

Task Name: Experiments with counting patterns

Links to SURF: Skip-counting by 2's, 3's, 4’s, 5’s and 10’s (Fast Facts)

Task Name: Uluru

Links to SURF: Various

Task Name: Tidalick

Links to SURF: Various


Task Name: Trams

Links to SURF: Various


Task Name: Pancakes, pancakes

Links to SURF: Various

Task Name: MCG

Links to SURF: Various


Task Name: Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes

Links to SURF: Various


Task Name: Mathematical proofs in primary schools (four different tasks)

Links to SURF: Odd and even numbers (Understanding); Commutative property - multiplication (Understanding); Distributive property of multiplication (Understanding)


Task Name: Room on a broom investigation

Links to SURF: Proportional reasoning/ Ratios (Understanding)


Task Name: Clocks

Links to SURF: Various


Task Name: Moon Man

Links to SURF: Various


Three Challenging Tasks: Equivalent Towers, Skip-Counting Patterns and Addition Shortcuts

Links to SURF: Various


Task Name: Fish Out Of Water Investigation (click here for the shorter version)

Links to SURF: Exponential growth (Understanding)


Task Name: Mr Men Math

Links to SURF: Various


Task Name: Harry Potter-Inspired Mathematics

Links to SURF: Various


Task Name: The Doorbell Rang

Links to SURF: Division (Reading); Division and multiplication (Understanding)


Task Name: Doubling Donut Tree

Links to SURF: Doubles (Fast Facts); Exponential growth (Understanding)

This article also outlines a 7-step process for developing challenging tasks.


Task Name: One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish

Links to SURF: Various


Task Name: The Smarties-Box challenge: Supporting systematic approaches to problem solving

Links to SURF: Estimation (Understanding), Multiplication (Understanding)


Task Name: Problem solving with The Sneetches

Links to SURF: Various 


Task Name: The Big (Not So) Friendly Giant

Links to SURF: Doubles (Fast Facts), Repeated Doubles (Understanding)


Task Name: Who sank the boat? (see second half of linked article)

Links to SURF: Equals sign, = (Reading); Greater than/ less than signs, < > (Reading).


Task Name: Baskets and Boundaries

Links to SURF: More than one way (Understanding); Skip-counting by 2's, 3's, 4's and 6's (Fast Facts).


Task Name: How many feet? How many fingers?

Links to SURF: Skip counting by 2's, 5's, 10's (Fast Facts); More than one way (Understanding)


Task Name: Donut Investigation

Links to SURF: Doubles (Fast Facts); Exponential Growth/ Repeated Doubling (Understanding)


Task Name: When a quarter is not quite a quarter

Links to SURF: Precision (Understanding); Estimation (Understanding)


Task Name: Hopping with Fiona the Frog

Links to SURF: Counting Forwards (Fast Facts); Counting Backwards (Fasts Facts); Skip-counting by 2's and 3's (Fast Facts)